‘Which is the best way to sell my home quickly?’
There are many ways you can sell your home. Through an estate agency, at a property auction or through a ‘fast buying service’ like ourselves. There is a multitude of options. Research the one that’s right for your circumstances.
‘My property is being repossessed! What can I do?’
If you are facing repossession. We can help. Call or
contact us today for free, impartial advice.
‘I’m facing changes in my circumstances and need to sell my home!’
At sell2day we know everyone’s circumstances are different, whether it be divorce, bereavement or anything else we are sure we can get you the cash you need for your property. Fast. Contact us today for a
free evaluation.
‘How do I find the value of my property?’
That’s easy. With our free
evaluation form. Simply fill it out and we will send you a market accurate evaluation and our independent offer at once. So you can make an informed decision in your own time.
‘Is it easier for me to sell through an agency?’
Simply put, no. The process of selling through an agency can be timely and ineffective if you need cash quick. With sell2day we can get you a cash offer and fully complete in as little as two weeks.
‘Will I get a cash offer?’
Yes. 100% cash offer. Every time.
‘Does condition matter?’
Condition doesn’t matter. As we say here at sell2day ‘any location, any condition, we will buy your house today for cash.’
‘How does the SELL2DAY process work?’
If you would like more information on our buying process before making any commitments, see our ‘how we work’ page, where we go over our process from start to finish. So you get all the information you need before making that all-important step.
‘How long will it take to completely sell my house?’
We can exchange in as little as 48 hours and we aim for full completion in as little as 7 working days.
‘Will I have to pay for a private survey?’
All surveyor and solicitor costs are included. So, everything is kept simple from start to finish.